- ASIHttpRequest- a HTTP Network request library
- ShareKit - a library for sharing items to different services.
- Flurry - an analytics library and service
- GData Objective-C Client - iOS library for most of Google's Services.
- Facebook iOS SDK - Facebook API library
- RegexKitList - a regex library for iOS
- TouchJSON - a JSON library for iOS
- JSON Framework for Objective-C - a JSON library for iOS
- Core Plot - a 2D Graph plotting library for iOS.
- SDWebImage - a library for dealing with web images.
- Three20 - a general iOS library.
- MBProgressHUD - a progress indicator library
- Cocoa Controls - a website with lots of Cocoa controls.
- iPhone Open source libraries - a list of some open source libraries for iOS apps. (dated but useful)
- More open source libraries for iPhone development - another dated list of open source libraries for iOS development
A lot of the libraries in the above list are very useful, very current and widely used so there should be a lot of examples around on how to use them. I recommend the ASIHttpRequest, ShareKit, Flurry , GData Objective-C Client, Facebook iOS SDK, RegexKitList, TouchJSON, JSON Framework for Objective-C, Core Plot and SDWebImage because I have used them recently. The rest I haven't used recently so I cannot recommend them. You can also read 10 iOS Libraries to make your life easier. for more information about some of these libraries.